Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Another Note to Ms. McSpadden's Class from Nora

Hi! I really miss you all!! Well, I'm here in Bathurst, Australia!! We're stayin' with some of my mom and dad's friends. They have two children too! Brendon, he just had his 13 birthday yesterday. And Jessica! She's 10. My mom told me that she had not seen Sharynne (their mom) in two years!! But, we're staying in their GRANNY FLAT. It's like a cottage and Ali, my sister, sleeps on this sofa, and I sleep on this blow up mattress on the floor. They have three pets, a kitten named, Mozart; a bunny, named Twinkle Toes; and a bird named Harriet. You know, I'm holding Mozart right now!!!! Here in Bathurst, it's only maybe a bit past two, or very close to three!!! But, it's Thursday!!!! Australia is one day and 15 hours ahead of you all!!! I hope you guys liked the bottled note FRESH FROM HAWAII!!!!!!!!
Well, I gotta' go!!!
Bye!! And, everyone says Hi!!!
Love, Nora!!

P.S. Ms.McSpadden, I went into the National History Museum of Australia where they had a lot of aboriginy history, art, music, and pictures of how sad their lives were, because of how they were treated. There was a replica of a police lockup where an aboriginy man may be locked up for a tiny, tiny crime, like stealing something that doesn't even matter. It said that 115 people in Australia had died in there from starvation and being beaten. We saw a picture of aboriginy convicts who had chains around their necks and arms. We also saw paintings of aboriginy children who were taken away as young as two weeks old to be made into white people, but really they were slaves. And on the happy side, I went to a parliament in Sydney, Australia, and learned about how it operated and its history. In the lower house, I got to sit in the most powerful seat in the lower house: The Premier's seat. We also went to the Sydney Opera House, and got to see the theaters. In the biggest theater where the symphany plays, there are big glass donuts hanging above the orchestra, because the sound, otherwise, would too slow in getting back to them. In the second biggest theater, the first three rows are below sea level. The Opera House floats on concrete, and the concrete floats on water. There is this huge organ that sits above the donuts and has huge pipes that would blast anyone away. Some of the pipes were over thirty feet high. There is one person playing five keyboards at different times, eight foot pedels, 115 stops to pull in and out, and the most help the person gets is someone to turn the pages for you.

So that is my report for now. I will ask Ali to post some pictures of at least the Opera House later. And I will have more to tell you in a week or so.


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